Tribe Church

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Actions You Can Take

The Moral Outcry

In the 1992 landmark case Planned Parenthood v. Casey, the US Supreme Court had an opportunity to reverse Roe v. Wade, and its companion Doe v Bolton. In conference the justices voted 5-4 to overturn Roe and Doe, but at the 11th hour before the opinion was released a centrist coalition of moderate judges – including Justice Kennedy who switched his vote – was formed to write a compromise that would weaken the Roe and Doe decisions, but still leave abortion as the law of the land.

This petition will serve as a symbol of that moral outcry. It will wake up the nation and galvanize the national conscience to end the scourge of abortion in America. It will declare that as a people, we do not accept the compromise that leads to the unnecessary death of millions of innocent babies.

Nebraska Legislation LB814

A fellow church here in Omaha (Citylight) recently sent out the following email regarding a critical piece of legislation here in Nebraska that has potential to being passed and includes some steps you can take to try to help!

Dear Citylight Family, 

In February, I asked our church to pray and contact our state senators in support of LB 814 which is an important piece of legislation that, if passed, would outlaw dismemberment abortion in our state. So many of you responded and added your voice to protect the most vulnerable people in Nebraska. Thank you!

Since my initial email, LB 814 has been held up in committee and prevented from being debated and voted on in the general legislature. However, by God’s grace, our senators voted this past week to “pull” the bill out of committee and onto the floor for a vote. This is great news! 

The bill will likely be debated and voted on early this week. In this critical moment, our voices can again make a big difference to help protect Nebraska’s most vulnerable, image-bearing citizens! 

Would you please consider contacting our state senators expressing your support for LB 814 and asking them to vote YES to end the barbaric and painful practice of dismemberment abortion in Nebraska?  

My understanding is that the majority of Nebraska’s senators are so obviously for or against the bill that contacting them may not be our most effective action. However, there are 8 senators that are believed to be swing votes. It seems like our wisest move is to focus our communication to these senators:

As God would lead, please consider emailing them ASAP as the vote may come very early this week. Below is a sample letter that you can use. You can also read the bill itself and learn more about the practice it would outlaw.  

This small act on our part could make a big impact to save lives in our state.  

Sample Letter

Dear Senator ___________ ,

My name is __________. My address is __________. I am writing in support of LB814.

[Write briefly about why you support the bill or paste ONE of the sample paragraphs below.]

I respectfully ask that you vote YES on LB814 to protect both women and preborn children in Nebraska.

Thank you.

Sample Paragraphs (also add your own words to this):

The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution states that: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” Even those convicted of the most heinous crimes are protected from cruel punishments. And yet, those among us who are definitively innocent suffer one of the most cruel and barbaric deaths at the hands of those performing dismemberment abortion. This practice must not be allowed in the great state of Nebraska. Please vote Yes on LB 814.

Proponents of abortion will argue that LB 814 is just an attempt to overturn Roe v Wade. It will not happen with this bill. This piece of legislation operates squarely within the framework established by the U.S. Supreme Court's decision in Planned Parenthood v Casey, which allowed for restrictions on abortion while refusing to overturn Roe v Wade. A civilized society should not allow such a brutal procedure that dismembers a human being. We need LB 814 to stop dismemberment abortion in our great state.

Proponents of abortion argue dismemberment abortions are a rare procedure. That seems to be a false statement based on the following: the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that of the approximately 1,000,000 annual abortions in this country, 9% are performed using this procedure. That means around 90,000 babies die from this procedure every year (Reported by CDC in November 2014). A procedure that leads to the death of 90,000 children is not a rare one. Vote Yes for LB 814 to save preborn babies from this horrific, mortal procedure.

American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ) | Pro Life:

Assure Women’s Center :