Let’s celebrate together! Enjoy time with our Tribe community and delicious meal.
WHO: Couples and Adults
LOCATION: Biaggi’s (13655 California St, Omaha, NE 68154)
COST: $25 per person - click here to register
WHAT: A delicious meal will be served with a time of connecting with others! You will enjoy special speakers Bill and Julie Bowes sharing about love and relationships!
CONTACT: Julie Ostrand - julie@tribeomaha.com
DEADLINE: Please sign up by Friday, February 16th
Please let Julie know if you have any dietary restrictions (julie@tribeomaha.com).
Tribe Youth and adult leaders want to offer a FUN KIDS NIGHT, as a childcare option for the Valentine’s Dinner.
TIME: 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm
LOCATION: Tribe building
AGES: Infants - 5th grade
FUN ACTIVITIES: games, crafts, a movie and more!
COST: Donations requested (this is a fundraiser for scholarships for youth summer camp and/or missions).
DEADLINE TO REGISTER: Sunday, February 18th
REGISTER: You can select the CHILDCARE option when you register for the Valentine’s Dinner (click blue button below).
QUESTIONS: Heather Deese at heather@tribeomaha.com