We are glad you are here!
Who is Tribe?
Tribe Church is a community of people who believe they are sons and daughters of God who are fully approved of and tasked with the assignment of creating heaven’s atmosphere and culture here on the earth.
We are regular people who have become irregular because of the life of Jesus within us.
As new creatures having been born again, we think and act differently than we did before we belonged to God. Now, we are fearless world-changers.
We pursue warm friendship with each other, deep first-hand experiences with the presence of God, and the fullness of our God-given destiny – our God Dreams.
What is our vision?
We are a tribe of people on an adventure with God
What is our mission?
We are a community rooted in truth inspiring God Dreams!
What do we value?
DEPTH: Mining the depth of Scripture and the Spirit
INTERGENERATIONAL: Honoring the energy, leadership and wisdom each generation provides
COMMUNITY: Engaging in both the joy and hard work of relationships
IMPACT: Advancing the kingdom through our giftings and God Dreams
Statement of Faith
Read our Statement of Faith here!
Tribe is an affiliate church with the ministry of Step Up to Life (SUTL)! This mutually beneficial relationship allows each organization to offer their best to one another in order to propel their missions forward. Together we are moving forward making each other stronger than ever before. We are proud to be a SUTL affiliate church!
What is a “God Dream”?
God Dreams are the good work set aside of us to walk in (Ephesians 2:10) that are larger than any single person and require a community of like-minded people to support and help execute. They are dreams that are outrageous and unreasonable, but in the eyes of an all-powerful God are not impossible, but inevitable as we believe in them.
It’s not by the strength or ability of a man that these will be accomplished, but by God’s Spirit that all things are possible. At the same time, we embrace the hard work of obedience and accept the discomfort of honest self-reflection knowing that God is continuing to perfect what he began in us.
So it’s time to enjoy all that is available in the Kingdom of God and act like we are royalty who are on a mission to make the kingdoms of this world the Kingdoms of Christ Jesus.
How will we do it?
We will take ground (identity, mind-sets, relationships, cultures, organizational-structures, economies, & society) through the influence God entrusts to us to steward.
What is an example of how this could this be fleshed out?
For example, - God begins to reveal to someone that writing fiction stories is part of their God-given destiny as a son or daughter of their Father in Heaven.
With a mindset that fully believes this they decide to write fantasy books that give wise insights into supernatural truths that glorify God. These beautifully illustrated truths imbedded in gripping story-lines are magnetic and attract followers, building a community of readers and writers whose appetite for fiction stories are compelling and clean. Success in publishing that follows leads to opening a publishing company. People are employed under the business as an organization and an economy is established beneath which may finance a continued effort to rewrite the culture of fiction books and stories. Society begins to change as influence broadens even to the point that other nations are interested in the economic growth and stability life-giving heaven-like culture provides.
Sound too big to be reasonable? Now we’re talking.
You pick the beginning place that fits how God made you, plug into a life-giving community, believe anything is possible, and away you go! Politics, business, fine-arts, education, raising kids, entertainment or ministry…what is the area of your God Dream?
What does it mean to be “intergenerational?”
Tribe places a high value on an intergenerational community.
An intergenerational community is one who seeks to integrate all ages whenever possible.
Each generation has something unique to offer.
Wisdom Generation - seasoned experience provides guidance and stability
Joshua Generation - in the season of raising families offers leadership and direction, battling it out in the trenches
Next Generation - gives the community energy and insight into where we are going in the future.
All are needed, all are welcome.
Email: ken@tribeomaha.com
Ken and Erin Jensen are from Omaha, Nebraska and were married in 1999. They have 4 kids, Jaden, Jett, Ava, and Alea. Having lived abroad, the Jensen kids have a love for travel, God and going on a mission.
In their twenties, Ken and Erin were trained professionally in education and nursing respectively. Ken began a career as a high school teacher and Erin began a career as a labor and delivery nurse at a local hospital. Shortly after beginning their careers they felt a spiritual calling to move overseas to serve others and use their skills.
So in 2007 the Jensens moved to Asia and spent seven years there working at an international school, hoping to give the nationals a quality education and equip them for the future. During those years Erin launched ta dance studio and saw God use dance to give life and unlock a passion for the arts.
However, as security worsened this season came to a close and after another short teaching assignment in another country overseas, Ken felt a calling to pastoral ministry. Ken and Erin moved back to the states in 2014 for a season of rest and recuperation to see what God would do.
In 2016 Ken became of fulltime pastor at a local church and Erin felt God leading her once again to start a dance studio. Erin launched Bloom Dance Studio that year operating under a value system placing people before performance and developed new innovations in the dance studio industry.
In 2017 Ken felt God calling him to plant a church whose aim was to inspire people to pursue their redemptive dreams and explore church in the context of a community center. Tribe Church was born on Ken’s birthday on June 3, 2017.
Tribe Church continues to evolve into the calling that has been placed on it, pursing God’s presence, truth, creativity, and expression of the Kingdom of Heaven. Every person has a dream God himself has planted, waiting for the moment it is believed in so it can begin to emerge above the surface.
Both Ken and Erin would say that they never felt qualified or ready to step into what God had asked of them, but stepped forward anyway knowing God himself would ‘build the house’ and accomplish all that was impossible.
They would tell you that it is not about being the perfect person for the job, but about stepping out in faith when you hear God’s voice, rolling up your sleeves, being willing to take a risk, and jumping off the cliff of the known and the safe in order to find God in the clouds.
Tribe Staff & Department Leaders
Pastor Ken Jensen
Pastor Matt Croteau - Executive Pastor
Justin Kofoed - Technology Director
Julie Ostrand - Women's Ministry Director
TBA - Men’s Ministry Director
Gabriel Schlueter - Kids Ministry Director
Kevin and Heather Deese - Family Ministry
kevin@tribeomaha.com or heather@tribeomaha.com
All Tribe Events - “Fun Bunch” (Prices, Humanns, Kangas’)
Jimmy Greve - Worship Leader
John Chambers - Head of Ushers
Joe Bailey - Head of Security
Paul and Dot Jensen - Head of Greeters
Tribe Board & Leadership Team
Tribe Overseers provide accountability, wisdom and assistance in governing the church.
Brian and Emily Brummund
Keith and Kristi Gregerson
Jon and Linda Reid
The Tribe Advisory Team provides intergenerational feedback, perspective, and suggestions to the Tribe Board.
Bill Bowes
Julia Gallup
Corey McClain
Greg Vassios
We are grateful to busineses who have given to Tribe. Learn more.