Taco Tuesday Welcome Team Meeting RSVP

Tuesday, May 30th at 6pm

WHO: We are forming a new Tribe Welcome Team - of Tribe Greeters and Tribe Connectors. You are invited to this meeting if you are on the current Tribe Greeter Team or are interested in learning more about becoming a Tribe Connector.

WHERE: Ostrand home (5116 N. 181st St, Elkhorn NE 68022)

WHAT: Welcome Team Launch Meeting (for current Tribe Greeters and potential Tribe Connectors). By attending this meeting, you are not committing to anything!  Just come and learn more about what it means to be a Tribe Greeter or Tribe Connector.

QUESTIONS: Feel free to reach out to Kevin and Heather Deese at kevinandheatherdeese@gmail.com or Karl and Julie Ostrand at julie@tribeomaha.com.

please RSVP TO THE MEETING by monday, may 29th

What is a Tribe Greeter?

A Tribe Greeter welcomes people at the door on Sunday mornings and introduces new people to a Tribe Connector.

What is a Tribe Connector?

A Tribe Connector is someone who likes meeting and talking to new people. They are willing to ask questions to get to know someone, introduce them to others, and suggest ways they can get connected at Tribe.